
Saturday, 7 September 2013

10 Useful Linux Commands

There are lots of linux commands out there but below are 10 useful commands which may be very useful to you. (directory)

Change directory to (directory) Note: ../ is to go back a directory.

2. chmod a+x (file)

Change permission of file to all + excecute.

3. ls

List the stuff in this directory.

4. rm (file)

Delete (file). Note: You may need command 2.

5. top

shows top processes

6. vi (file)

Edit file in vi text editor Note: Type ":qa!" without the quotes and press enter to quit WITHOUT saving.

7. ./(file)

Excecute (file).

8. mv (file) (newfilename)

Rename (file) to (newfilename).Note: If the new file name has a directory in it as in "../Desktop/file.txt" will move the file back one directory into desktop and name it file.txt.

9. su

Become root. Note: sudo is a command to do a function as root.

10. shutdown now

Shutdown the computer... NOW!

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