
Sunday, 15 September 2013

Internet Companies and their Founders

Founders of Internet services/companies and their Innovations

companies logo
Below are the list of founders of internet company and their innovations
1. Google: Larry Page & Sergey Brin
2. Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg
3. Yahoo: David Filo & Jerry Yang
4. Twitter: Jack Dorsey & Dick Costolo
5. Internet: Tim Berners Lee
6. Linkdin: Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue & Koonstantin Guericke
7. Email: Shiva Ayyadurai
8. Gtalk: Richard Wah kan
9. Whats up: Laurel Kirtz
10. Hotmail: Sabeer Bhatia
11. Orkut: Buyukkokten
12. Wikipedia: Jimmy Wales
13. You tube: Steve Chen, Chad Hurley & Jawed Karim
14. Rediffmail: Ajit Balakrishnan
15. Nimbuzz: Martin Smink & Evert Jaap Lugt
16. Myspace: Chris Dewolfe & Tom Anderson
17. Ibibo: Ashish Kashyap
18. OLX: Alec Oxenford & Fabrice Grinda
19. Skype: Niklas Zennstrom,JanusFriis & Reid Hoffman
20. Opera: Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner & Geir lvarsoy
21. Mozilla Firefox: Dave Hyatt & Blake Ross
22. Blogger: Evan Willams
23. WikiLeaks: Julian Assange


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